How do you child proof a window?

Read our guide to child proofing windows. Childproof window locks (also known as window restrictors or window safety locks) have become more of a concern with parents having to work at home whilst managing childcare. So window safety in the home has never been more important, especially with families trying to keep hospital visits down to reduce the strain on the NHS. Many parents are choosing to add child safety window locks to improve home safety and to childproof upstairs windows as well as downstairs.

Windows pose a potential danger and window child locks, also known as child window restrictors or childproof window safety locks can play an important role in childproofing windows.

To help raise awareness of window safety and as part of our efforts to support Child Safety Week, we have put together 5 key window safety tips to help prevent window falls, whilst still keeping life fun for little ones.

1. Keep windows locked (and the keys safely hidden) in children’s bedrooms when air flow isn’t needed. 

Outside distractions can happen quickly and children unfortunately don’t understand the risks when opening their window to talk to their sibling in the garden, or the dog next door. Using childproof window locks reduces the risk of a fall. Little eyes also seem to always know where the keys are hidden, so keeping them out of reach is recommended! To allow air-flow in the room we recommend you fit a window restrictor type childproof lock as these allow you to open the window to allow a 100mm gap while still preventing falls.

2. Ideally, try to keep bedroom furniture away from the window if possible, to make it harder for children to climb up onto windows.  

This isn’t always possible due to room configurations, so if the only options are to have beds or shelves near to windows, making sure a childproof restrictor or lock is fitted will help provide peace of mind around falls and intrusion.

3. Talk to children about window safety

If possible, explain to your child why being careful around the window is important. Talking about what happens to breakable toys that fall out of the window could be a good way of sharing what happens, without scaring them.

4. Ensure that you have a British Standard approved window restrictor

There are many window restrictors in the market, but not all are manufactured to the same quality and meet, or exceed British Standards. They can also have different names including window safety latches, window safety locks, safety window locks and cable restrictors.

Make sure that you know what you are buying and are reassured that the restrictor has met all of the strength, tensile and force tests to prevent it breaking under pressure. Whether used for an adult or a child window restrictors should allow a 100mm opening gap, meaning that once you’ve chosen a quality restrictor, you can feel safe that your windows can be left open with the restrictor in place when children are playing, allowing you to ventilate your home and prevent your child from falling from a window.

5. Once it’s safe, promote adventurous play in bedrooms!

At Jackloc, we pride ourselves on quality in everything that we do. Our window restrictors are independently tested to exceed British Standards and to withhold a force of between 58 – 74 stone, depending on the restrictor type, making them the strongest in the world. If you would like to discuss your individual needs, or book a virtual site survey, please get in touch.

Fitting Window Restrictors
Our fitting window restrictors guide shows just how quick and simple a DIY task it is to fit a childproof window safety lock, take a look to see just how simple it is to keep children safe from falls while maintaining a healthy flow of fresh air.

More about childproof window locks

We hope this guide to window safety helps you if you were wondering ‘How do you child proof a window?’ Find out more about how to choose a childproof window restrictor read our guide