If you’ve ever wondered about how to choose between window locks vs window restrictors, read on. Our window safety and security expert explores the differences and how to choose the right option for your situation.

Window locks and window restrictors are similar, so the first thing we need to do is to define what we mean by the terms ‘Window Lock’ and ‘Window Restrictor’ in this article:-

  • A window lock is a key-operated device that can lock a window completely closed. When it is unlocked the window can be opened completely.
  • A window restrictor is a device that can lock a window to a maximum of 100mm. Most (but not all) window restrictors can also be unlocked with a key or other mechanism to allow the window to be fully opened.

Why Choose a Window Lock?
If you do not need a window to ever be opened, even slightly, a simple window lock might be right for you.  There are important considerations when opting for window locks if you do want to open the windows sometimes:-

1: It is easy to forget to lock the window again when you close it, after allowing fresh air in.
2: There is no way to restrict the width of the opening when you want fresh air, people can fall out and burglars can gain entry through the open window. Indeed over 50% of burglaries occur while a person is in the home.

Why Choose a Window Restrictor?
The major advantage of a window restrictor over a window lock is safely allowing the circulation of fresh air. In contrast to window locks, window restrictors allow the window to be partially open to allow fresh air in while still preventing falls out and entry in through a window, because 100mm is clearly too small a space for a person to fit through!

Due to the pandemic we are all much more aware of how essential fresh air circulation is for good health and for preventing viruses from spreading. We have also experienced several record breaking hot summers lately, the benefits of a partially open window on a hot summer day are clear. We may also want windows partially open when drying clothes inside, using cleaning products or ridding a room of odours.

Window Restrictors for Security
If you are weighing up the differences between window locks and window restrictors because your primary concern is security you can’t do better than choosing the Jackloc Titan. The Titan is the only window restrictor to have been awarded Gold status by Sold Secure. The Jackloc Titan window restrictor is made from steel and will withstand the force of 74 stone or five adult males trying to force the window open!

Or perhaps you don’t want the worry of someone finding a key and over-riding the restricted opening? In which case we would recommend the Perma window restrictor which permanently restricts the window opening to a maximum of 100mm unless the lock is removed from the inside with a screwdriver. The Perma window restrictor will withstand the force of 58 stone or 4 adult men trying to force the window.

We hope that this guide has clarified the differenced between window locks vs window restrictors. If you have any questions or would like a quote please do get in touch.